Ireava ERP School Setup Manual

Steps to setup your School ERP-

Follow the below modules step by step for complete setup:

1. Human Resources

2. Academics Structure

3. Fees Management

4. Student Management

These four are the basic modules need to enter data accordingly. Read respective user manual for better understanding. Below is a quick overview of school setup.

1. In the Admin panel go to ERP Settings > General Setting, here change the setting as per your requirements For details of every setting read ERP Settings user manual.

2. Update your School Name, School Code (School Code is your school affiliation/accreditation no), Address, Phone, Email (for remaining settings please check ERP Settings section) now click on Save button to update record.

3. For updating your school print logo (used in fees receipt and payslip print) go to ERP Settings > General Setting on the left side click on the Edit Print Logo button (it is recommended for a logo to use .png image with transparent or white background and around 200px x 200px in size).

4. At this point we have completed a basic setup of our school. Now we will add our academics to School like Staff, Academics, Student.

5. For adding Teachers/Staff go to Human Resource > Staff Directory, Staff can be added from the top right corner Add Staff button. On this page, you can add any staff by selecting its role. If we are creating a teacher then we should select Teacher as role and designation as a role. (Read Human Resources user manual for better understanding).

6. For adding classes go to Academics Structure > Classes, before adding classes first add Sections from Academics > Sections. Select Sections comes under a Class when you adding a Class. Classes can be added from the left side Add Class and added classes can be seen right-side Class List. Add all classes running in your school here. (Read Academics Structure user manual for better understanding).

7. For adding sections go to Academics Structure > Sections, Sections can be added from the left side Add Section form, and the added section can be seen on the right-side Section List. Add all section names used in your school here e.g. Class 1 has 3 sections A, B, C and Class 2 has only A, B sections then we will add 3 sections A, B, C here. After adding sections, select section comes in a Class when you adding Classes. (Read Academics Structure user manual for better understanding).

8. For adding subjects category go to Academics Structure > Elective Subject Category, here you can add categories like 1st subject, 2nd subject and so on for the subjects who are optional for any class. You can skip this part if you don't have any optional subjects for any class. (Read Academics Structure user manual for better understanding).

9. For adding subjects go to Academics Structure > Subjects, Subjects can be added from the left side Add Subject form and added subjects can be seen on the right-side Subject List. Add all subjects including theory and practical in your school here. Subjects can be assigned through Subject Class Groups to their classes in the next step. (Read Academics Structure user manual for better understanding).

10. For assigning subjects to their classes to go to Academics > Subject Class Group enter Subject Class Group (try to avoid space in name) then select Class and Section then select all subjects you want to include in this class and section as a group and then elective categories for that class and section now click on Save.

11. Create fees structure go to Fees management > Fees type enter total fees type that you have in your school. You can either import using CSV or enter manually. Then comes to the fees class group, enter the same name that you enter in class, and use New and Old with the class for automated fees assignment. Last is fees master, import using the CSV file and also you can enter manually.

12. Add students go to student management > student admission, here you can add students' using the form. Admission number will not be displayed if set automatic in general setting and custom fields will be displayed in added in the custom admission form. You have to enter all the * marked fields. You can use dummy data if not having original data. You can import students' data using the CSV file in the import students' button. For more info, read student management user manual.

13. You can now enter or import students using the CSV file. Other modules you can use as per your usage. Add Students classwise in the CSV file as Class1-A, Class1-B are two separate files.

14. For any other module setup read user manual for that particular module. Main ERP things you setup using these instructions.

ERP Set Up:

