What actually an institute ERP mean?

Everyone knows an ERP is used to manage all activities of institute and every member has access of service according to role defined in an institutes whether he/she is admin, director, faculty, student or parent. 
To manage all the roles, daily activities of an institute, maintain records and better communication between institute and parents is actually a difficult task now-a-days, that's why institutes use an ERP. 

But, to manage these things really ERP mean?
Many thinks yes but actually not limited up to these things. Every second, every minute, every year, we are moving towards future and that leads to a big change in life. But these things remain same.
We pay a lot to service providers and get only a minimum valuable product. Some love desktop based ERP systems and some love web based ERP system. Choice may be varied people by people but in my opinion web based ERP is best because it provides:
  1. Multi platform access
  2. Transparency in communication
  3. Real time communication
  4. Encryption of data
  5. Anytime access from anywhere
  6. No installation for updates
  7. Better graphics and results
  8. Time to Time update
  9. Happy parents, students and institute members
  10. Trust on institute
  11. Safety of students
Institutes must remember below points when they buy an ERP for their institutes:
  1. Check technology stack of an ERP
  2. Check every feature and module working
  3. Know about future modules
  4. Customer service response time
  5. Must work on multiple platforms
  6. User interface
  7. User experience

We talked with many parents, they said they need following things from an institute:
  1. Interaction with faculties
  2. Updates of institute activities
  3. Updates of their children activities
We talked with many students, they need following things from an institute:
  1. Clearing of doubts
  2. Tracking their record
  3. Know their attendance
  4. Study material
  5. Updates of institute activities
  6. Daily new learning
With an ERP, try to dominate the communication gap between institute and parents because ERP is not just for manage institutes, it is also for making better connection and relation between institute and parents. 


  1. Hey, Wow all the posts are very informative for the people who visit this site.Thanks for this meaningful post it is really useful.

    Education Management System


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