Ireava ERP Attendance Management Module Manual


Ireava provides multiple ways to mark student's and teacher's attendance. Either you can mark manually, barcode scanning, or by using RFID to automate the attendance system.

This module has 4 sections -

1. Mark Attendance

2. In/Out Time Report

3. Approve Leave

4. Attendance Point

Ireava School supports two types of attendance Day Wise and Period Wise. You can run any type at once at a time and the attendance type can be select from System Settings > General Settings.

1. Mark Attendance- Go to Attendance > Mark Attendance select Class then Section then Attendance Date then click the Search button. Now below you can see a list of students & attendance options like Present, Late, Absent, etc. Select the attendance for students then click on the Submit Attendance button. To enter National Holiday or Sunday select Mark as holiday button then Submit Attendance button. Note that if attendance is already submitted for a date then you can only edit attendance.

2. In/Out Time Report- Go to Attendance > In/Out Time Report to check attendance for a particular date select Class then Section then Date then click on the Search button. You can check the In time and Out time here for the student also.

3. Approve Leave- Go to Attendance > Approve Leave here you can see leave requests submitted by students to approve or add leaves for students.

4. Attendance PointGo to Attendance > Attendance Point here you can define the attendance points that students will get. Example: If a student will present 20 days in a month and 4 half-day attendance and you added 2 points for the present and 1 point for the half-day then the student will get 45 points and school open days in that month will be 30 days then 44/2 (2 is the max point that will be defined in present) 22 days attendance he will score.

Reports Available:

  1. Daily Attendance Report
  2. Custom Attendance Report
  3. Remaining Class Attendance Report
  4. Student Attendance Summary
  5. Staff Attendance Summary
  6. In/Out Time Attendance Report
  7. Periodswise Attendance Report
  8. Classwise Attendance Report
