Ireava provides complete academic management solutions to manage classes, sections, timetables, promote students, and so on.
This module has 12 sections -
1. Add Sections
2. Add Class
3. Assign Class Incharge
4. Elective Subject Category
5. Add Subjects
6. Subject Class Group
7. Assign Elective Subjects
8. Class Timetable
9. Teachers Timetable
10. Promote Students
11. Add School Scholars
12. Update Student Details
13. Std Section Update
We have already described a few sections of the Academics Module during Steps to Setup your school, but now we will understand completely the Academics module sections. First, we will create Sections then Classes then the Subject Group then Assign the Class Teacher to class sections then create the Class Timetable.
1. Add Sections- Go to Academics > Sections enter Section Name & click the Save button. All the sections can be seen on the right side of this page.
2. Add Class- Go to Academics > Class enter Class Name then select Sections under this Class then click the Save button. All the Classes and their Sections can be seen on the right side of this page. Also, you can add class In-time, Half day-time, and Out-time if you are using the RFID attendance system.
3. Assign Class Incharge- Go to Academics > Assign class Incharge select Class then select Section then select Class Teachers for this Class Section then click Save button. All the Class-Section and their Class Teachers can be seen on the right side of this page.
4. Elective Subject Category- Go to Academics > Elective Subject Category enter category names for the elective subject groups for each class. For example, there are 2 optional subjects out of 6 for class 11 science students. Then create 2 categories for that in which you can arrange selection criteria for the subjects.
5. Add Subjects- Go to Academics > Subjects enter Subject Name, Subject Type (Theory/Practical), Subject Code, Elective category if that subject is elective then click Save button. All the subjects can be seen on the right side of this page.
Note: If you have a subject both in elective and compulsory then add subject two times with or without elective.
6. Subject Class Group- Go to Academics > Subject Group enter Subject Group then select Class and Section then select all subjects you want to include in this class and section as a group now click on Save.
7. Assign Elective Subjects- Go to Academics > Assign Elective Subjects, select class, section, and subject group. Then for each student select the optional subjects that the student opted in.
8. Class Timetable- Go to Academics > Class Timetable has two parts:
8.1 Adding/Editing class timetable
For Adding/Editing Class Timetable click on the Add button then on the next page select Class, Section, Subject Group & click the Search button then you will get 7 days tab, now enter Subject, Teacher, Time From, Time To, Room No for each day & click on Save button to save timetable.
8.2 For viewing Class Timetable (go to Academics > Class Timetable) select Class, Section, and click the Save button to see the class timetable.
9. Teachers Timetable- Go to Academics > Teachers Timetable Here teachers or other admin staff can see the selected teacher timetable.
10. Promote Students- Go to Academics > Promote Students select Class and Section and click on the Search button to get the student list under this class section. Here you can see every student has a Current Result column with Pass / Fail and Next Session Status column with Continue / Leave options and three drop-down to select Promote In Session, Class, Section just above the student list.
Now let's understand how Promote Student works.
Promoting students to the next session and class section depends on two things:
1) A student is pass or fails in the main examination.
2) Students will be continuing in school, leaving school, or don't move in any class.
a) If a student is pass and will continue to school, only then the student will be promoted to the next session and class section.
b) If a student is failing and continue to school then students will be promoted to the next session but the class section will have remained as it is.
c) If a student is passed/failed but left to the school then the student will go to the alumni in the next session.
d) If you change the students in the middle of the session then select pass and continue for the students whose section you are changing and don't move for others.
e) To add students in alumni, do pass/fail and select leave. Select class alumni for this.
Note: Make sure fees is imported first before promoting the students in the next session.
11. Add School Scholars- Go to Academics > Select student class, section, and student name. Enter the percent of that student that he scored in finals.
Note: Elective category, a subject class group with the elective category will not be reversed. You have to create a new one if done any errors by mistake.
12. Update Student Details- Go to Academics > Select update student details, here you can update the old data of the students to the new data for any field of a whole class at a time.
13. Std Section Update- Go to Academics > Select std section update, here you can switch a whole section of students into the other section of a class.
Reports Available:
- Classwise Subject Report
- Timetable Report
- Free Class Period Report
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