Ireava ERP Settings Module Manual

ERP Settings

Change most of the system view and many settings like you want.

This module has 20 sections -

1. General Setting

2. Session Setting

3. Notification Setting

4. SMS Setting

5. Email Setting

6. Payment Methods

7. Website CMS Setting

8. Roles Permissions

9. Backup / Restore

10. Languages

11. Users

12. Modules

13. Custom Fields

14. System Fields

15. Shortcut Keys

16. Student Profile Rights

17. Multi Fees Book

18. Holidays Calendar

19. Students Docs Folder

20. Live Classes Setting

1. General Setting- Go to ERP Settings > General Setting

1.1 School Setting - Here you can update basic school details. The school front display and display line are for the website only.

1.2 Academic Session - Here you can update the school starting session and month. You can edit the session name using the session setting.

1.3 Attendance Type - Here you can update the type of attendance you want to use. Day-wise attendance means two attendance in a day one for in time and out time. Period-wise attendance is for every period attendance. We recommend not to switch between attendance in a single session, it will not generate a proper attendance report. Select any type for a complete session.

Biometric attendance is for RFID or any device use. You can't configure it own, contact your service manager for it.

1.4 Language - Here you can update the school ERP working language.

1.5 Date Time - Here you can update the date and time for the school ERP use.

1.6 Currency - Here you can update working currency for the school ERP.

1.7 Student Admission Number - Here you can set the auto admission number function. Prefix means any constant number or alphabet you want to use in the admission number. No digit means how many digits the admission number can be. Start from means from which number admission number will get started.

1.8 Staff ID Number - Here you can set the auto staff ID number function. Prefix means any constant number or alphabet you want to use in staff ID number. No digit means how many digits the staff ID number can be. Start from means from which number staff ID number will get started.

1.9 Fees Setting - Duplicate invoice means you can generate two invoices one for student and one for school. custom fee receipt means you can generate a custom fee receipt of any fees type paid by a student as a new fee receipt from the collect fees page. Fees due days are for previous session fees. You can impose a fine on the previous session pending fee if a number of days passed. Fees collection invoice due date setting changes the fee collection orders when collection bulk fee by the due date. This means if enabled then due date passed fees will come at last and if disabled then the same order will be displayed as shown. 

1.10 Academic Setting - Here you can update teacher restricted mode. If enabled then no teacher can see all the school classes. Teachers can see only assigned classes that you assigned in the class timetable or in the class teacher.

1.11 Exam Setting - Here Exam result type means in the exam result report what you want to show grade or pass/fail with marks. Online exam view means you can switch online exam view on the student side, if native then the exam will work in-app and if web view then the exam will work on Webview (navigate on the browser) inside the app.

1.12 Online Admission Setting - Here you can enable the online admission form. Online admission payment when submitting the form.

Note: In the fees type you must assign Admission Fee same string to enable online admission fee payment. 

1.13 Online Class Setting - Here you can update live class attendance setting means if any student joins live class then his/her attendance in the ERP will auto marked at the same time he/she joined. Zoom integration will work only if you requested for zoom only app inside live class.

1.14 Disable Student permission - Here you can give permission to the students whether they can log in or not in the app if they are disabled by the school.

1.15 Current Theme - Here you can update primary and secondary color of the ERP.

2. Session Setting- Go to ERP Settings > Session Setting in ERP by default you get 15 years of Sessions data from 2015-16 to 2029-30 but still you want to add more sessions then enter Session (must be in a format like 2015-16, 2016-17, etc.) & click Save button. All the sessions can be seen right side of the page.

3. Notification Setting- Go to ERP Settings > Notification Setting

You can edit any template and set it for sms and email. You can create any new template. Change variables as per the provided variables below for fixed templates. For new templates choose variables carefully because only related variables will work.

Example: {#var#} you want to replace with student name then change it to {{firstname}} just like this, change all related variables.

Note: If you are an Indian school then don't delete pre defined templates if deleted then create with the same name. You can't send sms without your approved template and update your approved template in the existing or  create one with the same event name.

4. SMS Setting- Go to ERP Settings > SMS Setting for SMS notifications to student, guardian, and other users you must have to set SMS Gateway details in Ireava School.

Enable or disable your provided SMS setting here but if you want to use anything other than talk with your service manager.

5. Email Setting- Go to ERP Settings > Email Setting To send emails from ERP you need to configure Email Setting. We will already add your email setting but if you want to use another so you can configure it yourself.

6. Payment Methods- Go to ERP Settings > Payment Methods, we added your payment gateway already but if you want to use anything other than talk with your service manager.

7. Website CMS Setting- Go to ERP Settings > Website CMS Setting here we can enable/disable Website CMS, Sidebar, Language RTL Text Mode, check Sidebar Option, upload Logo, Favicon, enter Footer Text, Google Analytics, Facebook URL, Twitter URL, Youtube URL, Google Plus, Linkedin URL, Instagram URL, Pinterest URL, map location, app URL and Current Theme.

Note: This setting will work with your website if you purchased a website license from us.

8. Roles Permissions- Go to ERP Settings > Roles Permissions here we can create different Roles for staff users and then assign different user permission to this Role. To add a new role enter Role Name then click on the Save button all existing roles can be seen from the right side of this page. By default in ERP, you will get 6 user roles SuperAdmin, Admin, Teacher, Accountant, Librarian, Receptionist. You can edit the name or permission of these roles except SuperAdmin. To assign permission click on the Assign Permission button from the Action column. On this page, you can see Module wise different Features and their different Permissions. Carefully assign different permissions on roles. After assigning permission, check where it is affecting the system. There are 4 types of permissions present here View, Add, Edit, and Delete. Here note that if you are assigning Add/Edit or Delete permission then View permission should be given obviously if you have not given View permission then the system can behave inconsistently so in best practice, if you are giving Add/Edit/Delete anyone permission then give View permission too.

9. Backup/Restore- Go to ERP Settings > Backup/Restore for taking backup of your ERP database click on the Create Backup button it will create a .sql file you can download on your local system or Restore back in your system or Delete backup file. You can also Restore database files from the local system click on Choose File select a .sql file from your local system then click on the Upload button.

10. Languages- Go to ERP Settings > Languages, ERP language module has been migrated to file-based languages for better performance and ease to management. You can enable multiple languages and select your default language. Below you can find the list of all 70+ languages.

11. Users- Go to ERP Settings > Users All the users like Student, Parent, and Staff can be seen here and you can enable or disable them from login to User Panel. To enable or disable the user clicks on the toggle button in the Action column.

12. Modules- Go to ERP Settings > Modules, ERP comes with 40+ modules but there are 20 modules available to enable/disable from the whole system. Disabling any module will be disabled from Admin/Student and Parent panel at once it works over Roles Permission module so even you have given permission for the module but after disabling module will be disabled from the whole system. To enable/disable simply click on the toggle button present in the Action column. To enable/disable modules/features from the Student and Parent panel use the respective tab.

Note: Disable any features in the student tab will disable in the application and web. This setting will come with standard and premium plans only.

13. Custom Fields- Go to ERP Settings > Custom Fields If you want to add any extra field in student or staff then you can add those fields from here. To add a new custom field, select Field Belongs to, Field Type, Field Name, Grid column, Field Values then check for Validation and Visibility then click on the Save button.

14. System Fields- Go to ERP Settings > System Fields Here you can disable/enable any system fields in student or staff. To enable or disable the user clicks on the toggle button in the Action column.

15. Shortcut Keys- Here you can check the shortcut keys to navigate the module by pressing the keys. This will work in windows.

16. Student Profile Rights- Assign student profile edits right using this module. Select from date to date for the edit rights open. Select the classes from the list. To turn off this setting before the date simply, select backdate from and to date and save it for the classes.

17. Multi Fees Book- Here you can create multiple fee receipt books that will be used to generate fee receipts. Select page size for printing a receipt. Assign the receipt number in the receipt to get the receipts using that number. This function will be used during the fee collection receipt generated. You can set a default fee receipt so that the default fee receipt will work during payment gateway collection, multiple fees collection using the fees collect option.

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18. Holidays CalendarHere you can create a holiday list for the year. In the attendance and event calendar holidays will be automatically shown and teachers will not able to mark attendance for that day.

19. Students Docs Folder- Create a folder for the documents here as Student Identity Documents, SLC, and so on. These folders will be shown in student documents profile and student documents in student management where you can upload documents and manage the same name docs for the whole class.

20. Live Classes Setting- Here you can add your custom zoom developer account SDK key for zoom live classes inside the school application. We already added one for your use.

