Ireava Alerts and print options

You can find automate, manual and slip print options in Ireava. ERP is vast so it's not easy to check and find everything. So, reading this post you can find the updated and new alert and print options in Ireava ERP.

  1. Balance Slip Print -- Go to  data reports -> finance -> balance report. Search for date and class. There is an option to generate slips.
    Note: School name and the mobile number come from the ERP setting -> General Setting.

  2. Manual Balance SMS Alert -- Go to  data reports -> finance -> balance report. Search for date and class. There is an option to send SMS with the due date
    Note: Template of SMS is coming  from ERP setting -> notification setting -> fees_reminder.

  3. Auto Balance SMS Alert -- Go to fees management -> set auto fees reminder. Activate days like before the due date and after the due date alert. This will only work if you set the due date in fees master and enabled SMS and auto-reminder.
    Note: Template of SMS is coming  from ERP setting -> notification setting -> fees_reminder.

  4. Auto app download Alert -- Go to student management -> app download status -> inactive tab.
    Set create scheduler with the date selected.
    Note: Template of SMS is coming  from ERP setting -> notification setting -> login_credential

  5. Exam slip print -- Go to exam management -> exam slip printing. search with the filters. Click print. 

    Note: For more alerts read the notification settings in the ERP setting document.
